Love nature

(S+ past/ v2)
I liked to helped my mother did chores like cooking, washed clothes, sweeping the floor and much more. I helped my mother when there is no assignment from school. I just washed clothes. without knowing that the detergent I used became dirty water that flowed into the river, and caused the river water to become polluted and might also smell bad. And the activities that I did make our earth polluted if it continues to be done.
Used too much detergent to clean the stain needs to be done so that the object we use can clean again when we are going to use it. but it can also caused an increase in water pollution, because clean water turns to dirty water after it is mixed with stains on objects and detergent foam. If this habit is difficult to change or difficult to find a solution for excessive use of detergent, then not only polluted river water but also sea water. Then in the future many animals and fish in rivers and seas will also die, extinction, because of polluted water.
Action now
I always wash using detergent, otherwise the clothes I wash remain dirty. Even if there is no detergent, I use a dab of soap as a substitute, because it can eliminate the bacteria and dirt that sticks to my clothes.
we must love our earth, we must eliminate water pollution in rivers and in the sea, by avoiding using too much detergent when washing clothes. I love rivers and the sea to avoid detergent pollution.
Action plan
When I wash my clothes I will not waste anymore to use too much detergent, if I wash a lot of clothes, I will throw the remaining foam from the detergent to the ground or at least the foam is lost and not so much when I wash the clothes again. And don't do detergent pollution anymore.
• I will save detergent
• I will use dab soap to wash
• I will not overdo the foam
• I use 1 dress for a day if it's not too dirty
• I won't change my clothes too much in a day
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